
It is a tale named after the Dohwa-dong in Mapo, Seoul. The Great Jade Emperor has taken this young lady called Dohwa as his daughter-in-law. Dohwa's old father got one single peach tree seed as in return. He consoled himself by looking at the peach tree, remembering his daughter, and this project is about the modern interpretation of Dohwa's story.

We can give a broad analysis of Dohwa's tale that the Great Jade Emperor can be interpreted as the Japanese occupation period, especially the issues like military sexual slavery.

The Great Jade Emperor literally means the God of the sky. They used to call the Japanese King the "Sky Emperor", and the fact that in Dohwa's tale, they do not show a love story between Dohwa and the prince is quite unique. The Great Jade Emperor just takes her as his daughter-in-law without further explanation. Dohwa's father grows the peach tree and the villagers find comfort from it. We think that this tale could be a propaganda from the Japanese Loyal subjects.

How did the rest of lady Dohwa's life went after she got chosen as the daughter-in-law of the Great Jade Emperor and went up to heaven?

How did she feel about leaving her old father alone on the earth?

Everyone dreams of being Cinderella, but what will you feel if it comes true?


Project Moonaoq Jun 2023 II


2023 Point and Line to Plane